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Thank you for your interest in sharing generative artificial intelligence (GAI)-related assignments with your colleagues. We are interested in assignments and assessments you use to help teach about GAI and its use, to promote related skills (e.g., information literacy, ethical reasoning about GAI), and those designed to mitigate use of GAI. CATL will not be using a formal review process for submissions at this point. We are simply providing a Canvas space to collect examples and share them with UWGB faculty and staff. Attribution for submitted materials will be indicated in the repository Canvas course. Please note that we are not able to accept full courses or Canvas Modules.
Please enter your name and email address in the spaces provided.
Email Address
Please provide a title for your assignment (e.g., Social Science Statistics ANOVA Assignment)
Please provide a brief, numbered list of the goal or goals of the assignment. (e.g., 1. Students will learn to write effective GAI prompts. 2. Students will be able to list and explain at least three criteria for assessing the credibility and accuracy of GAI output.)
Please either copy and paste the assignment description or share a link to an activity in Canvas. If you share a Canvas URL, you authorize CATL to access your course and copy the specific items indicated into the GAI Assignment Repository Canvas course.
Is there anything else you want us to know about this assignment?
By clicking the green arrow below to submit this survey, you are consenting to share your assignment in a Canvas course shell with other employees who have a UW-Green Bay login and password. Please contact CATL ( if you wish to withdraw that consent.
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